Myfisio Barcelona

Personalized service

Lymphatic drainage in Barcelona

Drenaje linfáico 1 (1)

Personalized service

What is lymphatic drainage?

To understand lymphatic drainage, one must first understand the lymphatic system. This system has a dual function: to purify and protect the human body through the elimination of toxins and residual substances, and to modulate the immune system’s response to external agents such as viruses and bacteria, among others.

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is a gentle and sedative technique applied to the circulatory system. Its main objective is the reabsorption of fluids from the body by mobilizing them to promote the elimination of waste substances.

This technique is indicated in situations of:

What are the benefits?

The benefits of lymphatic drainage are numerous: among them, elimination of toxins, regulation of body fluids, improvement of return circulation, increase of defenses, control of blood pressure, improvement of lymphatic circulation and renal function.

This technique should be performed by a qualified and accredited professional as its use is very beneficial but performed without a good praxis could worsen the symptoms. In some cases its application is not recommended due to circumstantial or chronic alteration of the state of the skin and physiological structures of the body. Applying this technique in these cases could generate undesirable consequences, such as acute infections/inflammation, thrombophlebitis or heart failure problems, hyperthyroidism, hypotension or acute oncological processes.

We recommend reducing tobacco consumption and engaging in sports activities to ensure that the effects of the technique last longer.


Provença 175 - Entlo. 3º 08036 Barcelona.


Mobile: 678 88 89 70


Monday to Friday

9.00 am - 21.00 pm

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