Myfisio Barcelona

Physiotherapy center in Barcelona

We offer physiotherapy, osteopathy, nutrition, psychology and personal training services. Whatever your ailment is, we personalize each of the treatments, always focusing on a more humane treatment.


The science of physical health that deals with the prevention and treatment of multiple neuromusculoskeletal and organic disorders.


Each person is unique, so all our plans are fully customized and adapted to each person.


It is a manual diagnostic and therapeutic approach to joint mobility dysfunctions and their relationship to the onset of disease.


The best guarantee for your care and psychological help is given by the high degree of professional specialization of our team.

Why us?

Your recovery. Yes, it is possible! Professionals at your service.

Previous diagnosis

We apply various scientifically proven techniques and methods to improve and maintain a good quality of life.

Personalized treatment

We perform physiotherapy treatments with a strong focus on personalized and individualized patient care.

Personalized exercise guidelines

We take every measure to help you get back to normal. Regain your well-being!


Payment can be made at our facilities or if you prefer through the web. Choose the session or voucher that best suits you.

Industry professionals

My Fisio Barcelona is made up of a great team of professional experts in different specialties. To provide the best possible service.

Our Mission

Our mission is to release pain and understand where it comes from by connecting with our patient.


Your smile is our greatest reward


Provença 175 - Entlo. 3º 08036 Barcelona.


Mobile: 678 88 89 70


Monday to Friday

9.00 am - 21.00 pm


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Coméntanos qué molestias sientes y que disponibilidad horaria tendrías. Le asignaremos un fisioterapeuta especializado en tu caso.