Myfisio Barcelona

Personalized service

Nutrition in Barcelona

Don’t start a diet that will end someday, start a lifestyle that will last forever.

Foto Roser nutricionista

Personalized service

Why should you choose us?

First of all we would like to welcome you to our new nutrition section.
We want you to get to know us and discover together how we can improve your health from the inside out. For us, each person is unique, so all our plans are fully customized and adapted to each person.

It is possible to reach your goals in a healthy way without resorting to “Miracle” diets or products that can be harmful to your body and only make you spend money. And, most importantly, you will be able to maintain your results over time. Therefore, we will evaluate your nutritional status so that we can design a balanced and personalized diet that fits your needs, your lifestyle and your tastes.

Nutrition services

Our nutrition services are personalized and tailored to each client.

Balanced Nutrition

It is the one that provides us with all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

Service for children, adults, elderly, pregnancy, menopause, vegetarian / vegan diet.

Nutrition for athletes

It consists of adapting the diet to the needs of the athlete. It allows to train efficiently, to have the necessary energy to compete, helps to perform better and favors a good recovery.

Musculation, Definition and Performance Service.

Clinical nutrition

It is the discipline that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of nutritional and metabolic changes produced by diseases and conditions caused by an excess or lack of energy.

We treat obesity or overweight, Diabetes, Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, Hypertension, Hypercholesterolemia, Anemia, Constipation, Osteoporosis, Intolerances and allergies, Celiac disease.

Our Rates

The visits can be in person, or if necessary ONLINE:

Individual attendance

Face-to-face couples

Frequently Asked Questions

Nutrition is the science that studies nutrients and other food substances and how they are assimilated by the body. It is only possible to have a rough idea of the complex processes that nutrients undergo within the body: how they are influenced, how they are broken down to be released as energy, and how they are transported and utilized to rebuild countless specialized tissues and maintain the overall health of the individual. That is why it is so important to learn it.

When you don’t eat anything for about four hours you have a relatively empty stomach. It looks like a deflated balloon with a capacity of 50 ml. However, once filled, it expands and can hold up to 4 liters of food and drink. Therefore, fasting does not reduce the size of the stomach, but rather the stomach remains in an empty, deflated state.

This is a myth that is widely spread on numerous websites but has no scientific studies to confirm it. Therefore it is not proven that drinking a glass of water with lemon squeezed right after waking up will help burn fat, but it will hydrate your body thanks to the amount of water you are drinking, either with or without lemon.

Virgin olive oil is the oil richest in oleic acid, which is a monounsaturated fat with a very beneficial effect on cholesterol, as it lowers LDL-cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and increases HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol), being suitable for the general population and especially for patients with cardiovascular problems.

To resolve this doubt, we must first point out that they are foods with a high protein content which helps to build muscle correctly, they are also one of the few sources of vitamin D and the nutrient choline, which can help protect against birth defects in children. They contain vitamin A, vitamin B12, riboflavin (B2) and the antioxidant selenium, as well as lutein and zeaxanthin, which help keep our eyes healthy. It is true that they contain cholesterol, but thanks to their high triglyceride content, this cholesterol is not absorbed to any great extent. For all these reasons, it is recommended to eat 2 to 4 eggs daily.

Although fruit, whether whole or in juice, contains vitamins and minerals, when we eat whole fruit we also ingest fiber, which slows down the process by which sugar passes into the blood, since it is the pulp and the skin that contain it. On the other hand, when drinking juice, these two elements are not ingested and therefore, what we end up drinking is water and pure sugar.

Honey, being a naturally occurring food, is believed to be healthier than refined sugar, but in reality it is composed of the same type of sugars as any other. It is also true that honey is composed of vitamins, minerals or proteins, but as a whole it is only 1%, so it is not very relevant. The same happens with “brown” sugar, it is a “free sugar” and there are no significant differences at a nutritional level with honey or white sugar.

Whole-grain bread and white bread provide practically the same amount of calories. However, whole-grain bread provides fiber that promotes satiety and proper intestinal transit. In addition, it causes a gradual absorption of glucose that avoids blood glucose peaks and favors a more sustained energy supply. Whole-grain bread also provides more than 500 types of phytochemical substances that have a positive effect on the intestinal microbiota. White bread does not have fiber and therefore of all the properties mentioned, it would only be indicated in processes of diarrhea or gastroenteritis or in a lesser frequency.

No, frozen foods usually retain their nutritional qualities, sometimes in better proportion than fresh ones, since the time that passes from harvesting to distribution can affect their nutritional value, with loss of some nutrients such as water-soluble vitamins.

Both would be correct, since if raw vegetables are consumed, the vitamin C intake, for example, is greater and when cooked, the bioavailability of some phytochemical substances such as lycopene (with great antioxidant capacity) present in tomatoes and other vegetables increases. Therefore, one serving of raw vegetables and one serving of cooked vegetables can be taken daily.


Provença 175 - Entlo. 3º 08036 Barcelona.


Mobile: 678 88 89 70


Monday to Friday

9.00 am - 21.00 pm

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