Myfisio Barcelona

Personalized service

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Prepartum and postpartum therapy


Hi, I'm Coral! I'm responsible for teaching the course.

“My goal is accomplished when, at the end of the session, the patient leaves with a smile and a sense of physical and mental recovery. There is no greater satisfaction than seeing how your time has served to help in any aspect that encompasses people’s health.”


Coral Mustienes

  • Master’s Degree in pelvic floor physiotherapy
  • Physical exercise in pregnancy and the postpartum period
  • Dry needling
  • Manual therapy
  • Hypopressive abdominal gymnastics
  • Postural hygiene and stretching
  • Post-traumatic rehabilitation
  • Instrumental myofascial treatment (hooks)
  • Functional and neuromuscular bandages

Personalized service

What does it consist of?

Through an extra and intracavitary exploration of the perineum we will evaluate all its structures. Muscle tone, ligament elasticity, lubrication and skin condition are assessed.

Why is it advisable to have my perineum assessed?

It is necessary that you know in what state your structures are in order to avoid pathologies derived from a lack of muscle tone or excessive tone.

When is it most important to perform it?

Our Rates

Individual session


Pack 3 sessions



Provença 175 - Entlo. 3º 08036 Barcelona.


Mobile: 678 88 89 70


Monday to Friday

9.00 am - 21.00 pm

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